If possible, I'd like to try running FeatureREDUCE (
The Riley lab points to the older Bussemaker lab "Software" page (
http://rileylab.org/featurereduce/), but that appears to be defunct. I assumed I'd be able to download the software from this forum along with the remaining REDUCE software suite. It doesn't appear to be in the downloadable tar balls. Should I not be trying to use FeatureREDUCE to analyze PBM data, i.e. is it excluded from the REDUCE suite for a reason, or am I just not seeing it?
I found a GitHub repo for the project (
https://github.com/FeatureREDUCE/FeatureREDUCE), but it appears to be untouched since 2015 (the paper is still listed as "in revision" in the README). Is the GitHub repo the newest/only available implementation?
Thanks for the help!