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Error when generating logos in PDF format

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Hi Xiang-Jun,

When I run these commands:

cd examples/MatrixREDUCE/spellman-alpha
LogoGenerator -file=results/psam_001.xml -format=pdf

I get the following error:

GPL Ghostscript 9.19:

    Can't set GraphicsAlphaBits or TextAlphaBits with a vector device.
Unrecoverable error: rangecheck in .putdeviceprops
system('gs -sOutputFile=./psam_001.pdf \
   -sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
   -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer \
   -dEmbedAllFonts=true \
   -q -r96 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE \
') returns nonzero (65280)

The error seems to be triggered by the "-dTextAlphaBits=4" option. When I run "gs" manually without it, it work fine.

Seems that this is a known problem with more recent versions of "gs". I use version 9.19 on a Mac OS 10.11.6.


Hi Harmen,

Thanks for posting on the Forum!

Yes, I can reproduce the error message with regard to generating the logos in PDF format. It is indeed due to the Ghostscript "-dTextAlphaBits=4" option you reported. I am using Ghostscript 9.21.

I remember taking the "-dTextAlphaBits=4" option from reading on the docs/examples somewhere. Now that we know the problem, we have the following options to go:

* Simply remove the "-dTextAlphaBits=4" option from the system call.
* Or we can remove the support of the PDF output format (from the documentation).
While we are here, I'd also want to remove the largely out-of-date GIF output format. By doing so, we also get rid of the dependency on the convert from ImageMagick.

What's your take? Please let me know, and I will update and code for a new release late tonight (or tomorrow).


Hi Xiang-Jun,

PDF support seems important to keep, and removing the option "-dTextAlphaBits=4" from config/pkg_settings.cfg completely solved the problem for me for this format, so I can continue with what I was doing now.

However, I agree that it will be best to discontinue GIF support. On my Mac at least, "convert" is not installed by default, and indeed GIF generation with "-format=gif" does not work:

$ LogoGenerator -file=results/psam_001.xml -format=gif
sh: line 6: convert: command not found
system('gs -sOutputFile=- \
   -sDEVICE=png16m \
   -q -r96 -dSAFER -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE \
   ./temp_logo.eps \
   | convert png:- ./psam_001.gif
') returns nonzero (32512)

Thanks for the quick response!


Hi Harmen,

Thanks for your quick feedback.

I'll update the software code with 'gif' output removed, but keep the PDF option. A new release will be made available on the download page late tonight.

Best regards,


As a followup, the REDUCE Suite has been updated to v2.2.4-2017nov16. The LogoGenerator bug for PDF output has been fixed. The obsolete GIF output has been removed to avoid a dependency on the convert program from ImageMagick. The default PNG format is the choice for use with HTMLSummary-generated webpage. The LogoGenerator documentation has been also revised.

Some examples:

--- Code: Ruby ---# By default, the output is in PNG formatLogoGenerator -file=$REDUCE_SUITE/data/formats/psam_ex.dat -logo=sample.png# Using the -format=pdf option for PDF outputLogoGenerator -file=$REDUCE_SUITE/data/formats/psam_ex.dat -logo=sample.pdf -format=pdf# Output in the raw EPS format with -format=epsLogoGenerator -file=$REDUCE_SUITE/data/formats/psam_ex.dat -logo=sample.eps -format=eps
The LogoGenerator utility in the REDUCE Suite is a general purpose, robust logo generator of DNA or RNA base sequences. It creates a logo in the vector EPS format, which can be easily converted to other vector or raster image format using numerous third-party tools. Internally, LogoGenerator takes advantage of the widely available gs program (Ghostscript).

It is worth noting that on Mac OS X, the preview program can directly read LogoGenerator-created EPS file and convert it to PDF format. On Linux and Windows, the situation should be similar.



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